You need a clear brand STRATEGY.

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You’re in the beginning stages of building your brand and you want to start off on the right foot. You’re ready to establish the foundation and groundwork for massive growth and impact but you need expert advice on establishing your brand the right way.

You’re full of ideas and passion but you need guidance and direction to make sure you’re staying focused and building a successful, intentional brand. You feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start and want help and guidance to figure out the first few steps of growing a brand. 

You have some experience and see an opportunity to do things differently. You have enough experience to know your idea will work, but not enough knowledge to confidently move forward. You spend hours absorbing as much free content as possible before deciding who to trust with your dream and where to invest for help.

building your brand

You are PASSIONATELY building your brand

Here's where you are now

By starting out the right way, you’ll be able to build a brand that will harness more growth and impact every step of the way. 

Getting clear on your strategy first will instill so much confidence and clarity in you that you’ll be ready to hit the ground running and tell everyone about what you have to offer. The excitement you have for your business will be channeled into the right place and you’ll be able to build a brand with focus and direction.

You’re about to do BIG things with your brand. 

Here's where you're going next

Most online personal brands think they need a gorgeous brand and stunning website before they can launch their business. 

The truth is that in the beginning stages of building your brand and business, a simple and polished brand that focuses largely on strategy and conversion is all you need.

Right now the messaging of your brand is more important (even though you do want it to look good). You don’t need all the bells and whistles of custom-tailored solutions YET, but follow this path and you will get there soon.

If you don't do anything else in the beginning, do this. Before you can get too far building your brand, you need a solid brand strategy to serve as the foundation for the rest of your brand. Your brand strategy needs to be well-defined so that it can guide the next phases of building your brand.

Effective brand-building happens when you do things in the right sequence, and the starting point for every successful brand is having a clearly defined brand strategy.

You need to focus on a CLEAR foundation so that you can easily GROW from here. 

here's what you need to do next

enroll in the brand strategy blueprint course

your personal blueprint

More resources to help you get STARTED

Here are some relevant freebies and how to guides to jumpstart the building phase of your brand building journey.

articles about brand strategy

free ideal client workbook

Making sales

Generating leads

Solidifying your offer

To make sure your brand building is on track with your business building as a whole, these are some other things you should be focusing on in addition to building your brand strategy at this level.

SOME other things to focus on

I’m an expert at brand and website design, passionate about bridging the gap between strategy and design, and dedicated to educating and empowering you to build a brand that gives you more time and freedom to live the life you want.

By looking at the whole picture and building your brand in a strategic way, it allows you to grow your business from a place of confidence instead of confusion.

I've got a DECADE of knowledge building brands and websites.

I'm Rachel

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Be on the LOOKOUT for more info in your inbox that’ll GUIDE you through bringing your brand to its full potential.

I'm here to guide you through this process, so you're kinda stuck with me now

don't worry, I won't leave you hanging here

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