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5 Tips for building your brand on Instagram

It’s no secret that Instagram is one of the best social networks for connecting with your clients and customers as an online business. By creating a strong brand presence on Instagram, you can reach a broader audience and build your brand on Instagram. But like any form of marketing, the key is knowing how to best utilize it for your business to make it work.

When it comes to Instagram, there are tons of tricks and tactics to try and it can easily be overwhelming to tackle. There can be strategies within strategies on this one little platform, but before you can go deep on individual tactics, you need to understand how to use Instagram for your brand as a whole. Let’s break it down into 5 simple and intentional things that will help you in building your brand on Instagram.

1. Use on-brand images and graphics

Instagram is all about the visuals so this is one of the most important things to work on when trying to up your Instagramming game. Think of your posts like the magazine cover of your feed. It needs to grab their attention enough for them to stop and read the caption. Then that’s where you pull them in and keep their attention. Find your style and stick to it. Being consistent with your visuals and making sure they stay true to your brand will help you connect with your follows, attract more followers, and establish your authenticity.

You don’t have to be a professional photographer to have high-quality, on-brand images. Most images that are shared on Instagram are taken with phones, so it is possible to get those bright and clear photos with just your phone. You can also create branded graphics to infuse your brand into your Instagram even more.

2. Find optimal posting times

This is different for everyone, so you have to use some trial and error to determine what works best for your audience. There is no magic formula, so you just have to test it out. Try posting at several different times during the day for a week and see when you get the most interaction from your followers. You also have to work with your own schedule and know when you will be able to post and interact with your followers too. Using an app like Planoly is extremely helpful in scheduling your posts ahead of time so you have them ready to go when you need them.

3. Post consistently

I find that when I post consistently I get more interaction from my followers as well as gain new followers. I can go days without sharing and post the most amazing image ever and get nothing. But if I stick to a pretty consistent posting schedule at my optimal times (see how that works) then I get good interaction with likes, comments, and new followers. There is a fine line between posting often and posting too much though, so don’t go sharing everything just for the sake of posting something. You still have to focus on quality posts that are of interest and value to your followers.

4. Use the features

When Instagram first started, you could only post to your feed. Now, you can post stories, reels, IGTV, go live, and chat in the DMS. It’s easy to get stuck in doing the same old stuff on Instagram, but we have to evolve with the platform and use the features to bring our brand’s presence to its full potential. You don’t have to do it all to make Instagram work for you, but it’s worth experimenting with the different features to figure out the best combo for your brand and audience.

5. Be social

Remember, it is a social network so you have to be social. Simply posting your photos and never coming back to it won’t get you very far. If you want to grow a loyal audience and build a community with your Instagram account, you have to interact with your followers. If they comment on a photo, reply to them and start a conversation. Be friendly and open so that they feel like they know you and they will keep coming back for more. You can also connect with other business owners in your industry and form partnerships, collaborations, and friendships.


Building your brand on Instagram can be a great way to grow your following and connect with your audience. Focusing on these 5 things will give you a good base for using Instagram for business, but I encourage you to dig into each area individually and how to tailor it to your specific niche and audience. 

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