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How many colors should you have in your brand color palette?

Picture this: It’s 2 AM, and you’re hunched over your laptop, surrounded by a sea of brand color palette swatches. Your eyes are burning, your brain is fried, and you’re pretty sure you’ve forgotten what trees look like. Sound familiar? If you’re nodding along (or cringing because I just called out your late-night color-picking shenanigans), you’re not alone. I’ve been there, done that, and got the eye strain to prove it.

Let me paint you a picture of my own color crisis. A few years back, I was rebranding my business. I thought, “How hard can picking colors be?” Famous last words, right?

Fast forward three days, and I’m knee-deep in hex codes, convinced that my entire business hinged on choosing between #FF9900 and #FFA500 (spoiler alert: it didn’t). I had more colors in my “shortlist” than I had socks in my drawer. It was a hot mess, and I was one cup of coffee away from tattooing a color wheel on my forearm.

But here’s the thing: It doesn’t have to be this way. Choosing your brand color palette doesn’t need to be a Herculean task that leaves you questioning your life choices at 3 AM. So, let’s talk about how many colors you really need in your brand color palette.

There’s no magic number (but there’s a sweet spot)

Okay, here’s the tea: There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how many colors should be in your brand color palette. Shocker, right? But before you close this tab in frustration, hear me out. While there’s no universal magic number, there is a sweet spot that works for most brands. And that’s 3 to 5 colors.

Here’s why this range works so well:

– It gives you enough variety to keep things interesting

– It’s not so many that your brand looks like a rainbow exploded

– It’s manageable (because let’s face it, you’ve got enough on your plate already)

Breaking down your brand color palette

Now that we’ve got a general idea of how many colors we’re working with, let’s break it down further. Your brand color palette typically consists of:

Primary Color: This is your main squeeze, the color that’ll be front and center in your branding. Think of it as the star of the show.

Secondary Color(s): These are the supporting actors. They complement your primary color and give you more options for design elements.

Accent Color(s): These are the spice in your color recipe. Use them sparingly to add pop and draw attention to important elements.

Neutral Color(s): These are your workhorses. They’ll be the background for a lot of your content, letting your other colors shine.

So, if you’re going with a 5-color palette, it might look something like this:

1 Primary + 2 Secondary + 1 Accent + 1 Neutral = Color Palette Magic!

When to break the “rules” (because sometimes, you gotta rebel)

Remember when I said there’s no magic number? Well, here’s where that comes into play. Sometimes, your brand might need more or fewer colors. And that’s okay! Maybe you’re a colorful, eclectic lifestyle brand and five colors just aren’t enough to capture your vibe. Or perhaps you’re going for a super minimalist look, and two colors are all you need.

The key is to be intentional. (Hey, that’s why we’re here, right?) Every color in your palette should have a purpose. If you can justify why it’s there and how it supports your brand message, then go for it! Just keep in mind: the more colors you add, the trickier it becomes to keep your brand looking cohesive. It’s like juggling – the more balls you add, the harder it is to keep them all in the air.

Your color palette cheat sheet (because we all need a little help sometimes)

Alright, let’s bring it all together:

– Aim for 3-5 colors in your brand color palette

– Include a primary, secondary, accent, and neutral color(s)

– Be intentional with every color you choose

– It’s okay to break the “rules” if it serves your brand

– Remember: cohesion is key!


Choosing your brand color palette might seem daunting, but it’s also an exciting opportunity to visually express who you are as a brand. It’s like picking out the perfect outfit for a first date – you want to make a great impression, show off your personality, and feel confident.

So take your time, play around with different combinations, and most importantly, have fun with it! Your perfect brand color palette is out there, just waiting for you to discover it.

And hey, if you’re still feeling stuck or want some expert eyes on your color choices, that’s what we’re here for. Because at Intentionally Designed, we’re all about helping you create a brand that’s as amazing as you are.

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